A good credit score is crucial to being able to secure a mortgage or buy a car. And, because your credit score has such an impact on your daily life, the three credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax –READ MORE
Consumer Rights
California has some of the best financial elder abuse laws in the country, specifically designed to protect the elderly from financial abuse. But, to take full advantage of these laws, one needs to know the proper court for the typeREAD MORE
Once again, Equifax, the multinational consumer credit reporting agency, is back in the news. On August 2nd, the agency admitted that it had sent out incorrect credit scores between March 17, 2022 and April 6, 2022. Equifax identified a codingREAD MORE
Let’s say you found a great deal at a used car dealership – a stylish sports coupe with a shiny coat of paint and the extra power of a V6 engine. The salesperson tells you the car is in “mintREAD MORE
Errors on credit reports are common, and they can cause serious problems for the consumer. They may negatively impact your credit score, renting an apartment, or increase fees and interest on car loans and mortgages. Filing a lawsuit against creditREAD MORE
Shopping for a brand new car can be a frustrating experience. But once you’ve bought the car you’ve been looking for, driving it should make up for that by being enjoyable. However, when something goes wrong, you lose that pleasure. READ MORE