Since the first American-made gas powered car debuted in 1896, gas vehicles have dominated the roads. But the recent rise in electric cars may soon make gas automobiles a thing of the past. With this disruption in automotive technology comesREAD MORE
California Lemon Law
Over the years, technology has increased fuel efficiency in today’s newer vehicles. In one respect, this helps make new cars more economical; however, buyers are facing increases in pricing as well. And as the auto industry continues to roll outREAD MORE
Congratulations! You finally bought a brand new car. Not only that, but you’ve made a huge investment in time and money buying the newest model. At long last, no more worrying about repairs or going without a car that isREAD MORE
Shopping for and then purchasing or leasing a car takes a significant amount of money and time on your part. The last thing on your mind when driving your new vehicle off the lot is that you’ve bought a lemon.READ MORE
There’s nothing like the feeling you get when you’ve just bought a new car. Every time you get in, you notice the new car smell, the sound of the engine purring and the shiny up-to-date components on the dashboard. AndREAD MORE
Buying a car is the second-biggest expenditure after housing. Add that to the fact that there have been hefty increases in the average cost of a new vehicle over the past few years due to the COVID pandemic, and you’reREAD MORE
NEWS PROVIDED BY Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan APC February 01, 2023 POLARIS RZR ATV owners have been instructed by Polaris to stop driving these ATV’s because of a possible fire hazard, giving rise to legal remedies. Polaris isREAD MORE
Popular types of off-road vehicles include all-terrain (ATV), side-by-side (SxS), and utility (UTV). For many ORV enthusiasts, buying an ATV, SxS or UTV is a significant investment. Unfortunately, for some owners, the ATV that they purchased turns out to beREAD MORE
If you have bought a car that is defective and is still under warranty from the original manufacturer, you may be entitled to have your car repurchased or replaced under California’s Lemon Law. However, before filing a claim, you needREAD MORE
What burns me up about “lemon” RV’s is that the buyers are often retirees who sink a substantial portion of their life savings into a poorly-designed, poorly-manufactured headache-on-wheels. Many RV’s are manufactured in Indiana and I’m happy to see thatREAD MORE