Welcome to December. I hope you have had a good 2013 and I hope 2014 will be even better! These days, cars are virtual computers on wheels. Like all computers, car computers crash. Some or all of the car’s functionsREAD MORE
California Lemon Law
To my readers, We are handling BMW X-5 cases with faulty transmissions, which can show up as hard jerking or hesitation in the lower gears and when taking off from a stop. If you have one of these or knowREAD MORE
I’m not going to chortle here, because I really had hoped that the lady who filed the small claims action against Honda for inflated hybrid vehicle gas mileage claims would win her appeal. But she lost. To refresh your memory,READ MORE
Dear Readers, This ran on Yahoo! Finance over the weekend. It is a good basic primer on various types of dealer fraud. What I liked about this article was that it covered a lot of the different types of dealerREAD MORE
Well, I probably don’t have to tell you that the Chrysler Corp. and a quality transmission would not recognize each other if they passed on the street. Nonetheless, the new Dodge Challenger really has a doozy. It’s an eight-cylinder engine,READ MORE
At a trial which concluded only two days ago, September 26, 2011, a Los Angeles jury awarded plaintiff Albert Ataian a full buyback for $118,000.00 plus a civil penalty of $10,000 for Mercedes’ willful conduct. Ataian v. Mercedes-Benz USA LLC,READ MORE
Hello Readers, I have said this in previous blog posts, but it’s worth repeating for emphasis. The simplest and best way to preserve the evidence of defect in your lemon vehicle, and thus better ensure a successful outcome for yourREAD MORE
Hello Readers, My friend Ron Buerge of Ohio prepared this short article about the hazards and perils of buying cars through online auctions. I think it’s excellent so I’m reprinting it here. Hope this helps. Here’s his article: We’ve seenREAD MORE
I had a bad experience with ‘Fleetwood’ where my Prowler trailer was leaking excessively. The leak started in the 11th month I had it. I had bought the trailer brand new at a local dealer. After going through months ofREAD MORE
Hello Readers, Quite some time ago, manufacturers discovered that they can derail lemon law cases by slight twists of language on the repair orders. It works like this: vehicle owner is having transmission problems, and brings it in first timeREAD MORE