California Lemon Law

So, I had a brief mention of one of the largest extended warranty companies in Southern California in an article on one of my websites, and their attorney calls threatening to sue me because my article suggested that extended warrantyREAD MORE

The manufacturers and dealers are touting “certified” used cars as “like new”. As you might suspect, my firm has handled dozens of “certified” used car cases where the cars have serious collision damage or a lengthy history of serious mechanicalREAD MORE

Motorhomes are, frequently, about as well-made as the clearance-sale desk you get from Ikea. A lot of motorhome manufacturers make very bad motorhomes and then refuse to buy them back, even when the defects are obvious. Well, instead of endeavoringREAD MORE

“Negative Equity” is something to keep an eye on when you’re trading in a car on which you still have a loan balance. It means that you owe more on the car than the car is worth as a usedREAD MORE