Currently there are only two Chrysler models being manufactured: the 300 sedan and the Pacifica minivan. With declining production and waning sales, some have speculated this is the end of the once-mighty Chrysler empire. However, parent company Stellantis will relaunchREAD MORE
Tag: Credit Fraud
Loan modification scams involve deceptive tactics where companies or people falsely claim they can help homeowners change their mortgage terms to lower monthly payments or avoid foreclosure. Often these scammers promise to negotiate with the person’s mortgage lender to lowerREAD MORE
Tired of sinking time and money into fixing your GMC, only to face the same issues over and over again? California’s Lemon Law covers GMC cars and trucks and could be your ticket to a refund or even a brand-newREAD MORE
A leaked report from German newspaper Handelsblatt reveals that Tesla has received thousands of customer complaints about braking and acceleration problems, particularly with its self-driving features. The leak involved 100 gigabytes of confidential Tesla data, provided by a suspected formerREAD MORE
Have you ever seen a dog go crazy over a squirrel, or a toy that zips across the floor? All dogs have a prey drive, or the instinct to hunt and chase things that move quickly. It’s a leftover traitREAD MORE
Since the first American-made gas powered car debuted in 1896, gas vehicles have dominated the roads. But the recent rise in electric cars may soon make gas automobiles a thing of the past. With this disruption in automotive technology comesREAD MORE
Flooding from natural disasters such as hurricanes and severe thunderstorms can dump a lot of rain on an area in a short amount of time, producing floodwaters. Not only can flooding displace people from their homes, but it can alsoREAD MORE
Over the years, technology has increased fuel efficiency in today’s newer vehicles. In one respect, this helps make new cars more economical; however, buyers are facing increases in pricing as well. And as the auto industry continues to roll outREAD MORE
Important Information Regarding Your Insurance “Credit Report”. The CLUE report is the report most used by insurance companies to underwrite your insurance applications. In other words, if you have too many insurance claims, or false insurance claims, your CLUE reportREAD MORE
Getting in a car accident can have significant effects on your health, your livelihood, and the quality of your life. The immediate impacts from being involved in a car accident, even a minor one, are any physical injuries that youREAD MORE